
We've all watched movies for adults, like it or not, so we know exactly what they are, where they can find it, and why arouse sexual desires these productions. The pleasure is transmitted to the viewers because in the back of the camera, things are completely different. This profession is chosen by most of the actors more in need for that, we already know all, they make a lot of money in this industry.

Even if the porn with the blonde everything seems perfect and that the actors feel good really, things are not as they seem at first glance. Actors xxx movies live a life pretty hard, and the job they do is not at all an easy one. It looks like the filming, both men and women are quite struggling. Men for that you need to control their penis so as to be continuously in a state in which they can have part of the sexual act, and women to suffer some pain involved at some point.

For those who don't already know, the actors consume certain substances to be able to sustain sex both for long and even are injected into the sexual organs. Drugs for potency are the order of the day, so the health of the actors is not even one to be envied.

Unprotected sex, the favorite of the onlookers, is not left without consequences. Because of the large number of partners that the actors they have, the diseases do not be late to appear, and most times, the medication can't prevent these consequences.

Of course there are actors who have no problem with that and do this job for pleasure, without to consider a work, but these cases are more rarely encountered, most often - to the people of nymphos.

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